You can paste any one clip, or several at a time. Typing more than one number pastes in the desired order ‘⌘+ V + 1 + 2 +3…’. Also typing ‘⌘ + v + v + v...’ is possible.
From the Clip Recorder you can paste any one clip via Clip Recorder Palette or Clip Recorder Menu, or you can paste the clips one after the other in LIFO order (Last In First Out).
I you type ‘Option + ⌘ + V’ the most recent clip will be pasted. Then the whole Clip Recorder stack rotates so that the pasted clip is removed from the first place and inserted at the very last place. Now the next clip is at the first location and can be pasted. If you repeat typing ‘V’ with ‘Option + ⌘’ down, you can paste all clips in the Clip Recorder and rotate the whole stack.